Hotel comes from the word hostel, supposedly taken from the ancient French language. Public buildings have been touted since the end of the 17th century. Its meaning roughly, "a shelter for migrants" or also "building cabins and food providers to the public". So, at first the hotel was created to serve the community.
No wonder that in Britain and America, whose name was once the hotel staff like servants, aka public servant. But, over the times and increasing service users, service inpatient-eating began to abandon its social mission. Guests were free of charge. While the building and the rooms are laid out in such a way as to make guests feel at home. Nonetheless, for many years the standard of hotel service have not changed much.
Until in 1793, when the City Hotel was built in the embryo of the city of New York. City Hotel's pioneer-style inn building new, more fashionable. Therefore, the basic construction is not only important strategic location. But also thinking that the hotel is also the resting place qualified. So, there's no harm was founded in the suburbs.